Saturday, October 24, 2015

Catahoula Puppies for sale ... yearlings

OK, as of yesterday all of the little puppies are gone until the next month comes in. In the meantime if you want a started dog, these are my yearlings.

Little Annie is out of Little Ann and Little Bob, blue leopard with brown eyes, 6 months old.

                                            For someone who needs security, companionship,
                                            or cow dog, blood tracking dog, or hog dog, these                                                                                           yearlings are excellent candidates.

Below is her little brother, Lil Bob II, and he is even more fiesty than her!

Below is Lil Bob II with Cheech.

Below is Little Ann the momma of lil Bob II and lil Annie
Little Ann(not for sale) is a daughter of C Arrow Patch and Scarlet O'Hara

I will try to edit in some more photos of da moma and daddies along the way.

Smiley is out of Coco and Rock , just over a year and a half old, female

 This is Gomer, a very easy going dog, and he would make an easy going companion or blood tracking dog

This is Curly tail(not for sale) below, and she is the moma to Gomer.

Below is Samuel he is the stud I crossed over a pure bred Catahoula to create Catahoula/wolf crosses.

 Everyone who sees Samuel loves him...

Below is his son Rocky, he is a hunter, and a leader of the pack of yearlings.


Below is Beauty, female, white wolf/catahoula cross, about 1 1/2 year old

Below is Rita Mae, the other sister to Rocky

I am Marcus de la Houssaye, and I can be reached at 337 298 2630 if you want to talk...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Little Ann and Luke Louisiana Catahoula Puppies For Sale

This weekend I got a special treat and was able to spend time with one of the magnificent examples that comes out of my breeding program. But before we get to that, this is Austin, a blue leopard male with tan trim and brown eyes.

This little girl below is the blue leopard runt and an excellent example of the deep chest, wide body and wide head so many people seem to be looking for. 

                                     In spite of being the runt, and undersized by comparison,                                    she can hold her own and can't you see it in her eyes?

Now before I show you some more of the pups, here is Chaffy, a son of Coco and Cutty Dark below, who is 2 1/2 years old and just came back from Colorado to visit this past weekend. 

And I will now let the cat out of the bag: below is my pick of the littler.

I know y'all are all jonsing for them red and blue, and GREY leopards, with blue eyes, but go ahead...
I like the looks of this and he always got his nose on da ground!

Y'all can have dem spots, I got me a hunter right here...

I know the picture above looks like a sleepy head, 
but if you will look below his jaw, on da throat below, and you can see he is in recovery from a bite of a poisonous cotton mouth water moccasin.

OK, is it the snake bite that ultimately makes 'em a better dog, or was it ALREADY a better dog in da first place that had his nose down on da ground and was getting out and hunting WHEN he was 6 wks. old AND THEN he got bit? Just think about...

At any rate if you want to call me and we talk about Catahoulas and why snake bit dogs are so good, I can be reached by cell phone @ 337 298 2630, and I am in Lafayette, Louisiana.

Bear in mind, that I have 2 males out of Chocolate, a daughter of Coco and Cutty Dark, that are now about 3 months old, and are already hitting the blood trails and finding blood soaked deer. But mostly they are rough and tumble puppies all day long....

Below you can see one of the reasons that my dogs are so gifted as blood tracking dogs, is because they eat raw venison on a regular basis, and they hunt as a pack, meaning they are motivated by sibling rivalry, as in who gets to the deer first eats most...

As you can see Brown and Tan ain't too happy about Blackie showing up late and trying to cut in on his find!