Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Pure Bred Catahoula Puppies

I am writing this post to educate prospective buyers that I have pure bred AND  cross bred Catahoulas.

And I can keep them separate, and will never present a cross bred dog as anything but that!

Now some pure bred Catahoula enthusists want to claim that there is no reason to cross a well bred Catahoula, and I couldn't agree more, if that is what you want. But many people want a dog that looks Catahoula but have no idea that  they cannot "just make it into a pet" IF IT IS A HIGH PERFORMANCE BRED DOG, and are not even ready to consider that the best dogs are smarter than we are.

 And that is where "they get pissed off, and get rid of the dog in anger, because it is not being a "good pet"". Why? Because if you have a good dog, you will have problems with them especially as a puppy, BECAUSE THEY ARE ALREADY SMARTER THAN YOU!

Now, I will continue to re-edit this post periodically as I have time but for now....

I am just getting started explaining why I breed pure breds AND CROSS BREDS: for your benefit.

A pure bred may be too active to be "just a pet", in which case I have some good looking "show dogs", that will be better pets for those of you who want a Catahoula for show without the high performance working abilities of  cow dog or hog dog.

And if you want a blood tracking dog, you need to understand that a pure bred or cross bred Catahoula needs to be your family pet WHEN IT IS NOT DEER SEASON, otherwise they may not work for you when you need them most.

stay tuned....more later

Friday, December 20, 2013

Coco and Rock Puppies


I will put more photos of Rock later, but for now, when we are in the woods,
 he moves too fast for good pictures!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Coco and Rock Puppies born 11/12/2013

                                                   three males and one female...
the little female is on the far left in the photo below...

Below is the stud, a grandson of Maurice and a son of Handsome
sorry this photo is not loading, I'll try later..
below is a photo of C Arrow Patch, NALC reg
12 years old and still hunting...just took this picture today!

Coco and Rocks puppies are purebred will be gritty, hard hunting and have great personalities as a well bred Catahoula should be. If you are interested in calling and qualifying for a pup, you can call me at 337 298 2630